
#ThrowbackThursday :

This image shows the first painting I completed utilizing my older screenprints from my flat files, "First Dibs on the Window". The supplier no longer makes this wonderful paper so in the spirit of waste not-want not (my mom's favorite saying) I am giving it a second life.

Another reason I love this process is that it almost feels like the jump rope game "Double Dutch" from my childhood where you "jump in" to join another person jumping rope. You find the rhythm and then add your own spin to the game---all the while smiling and laughing at the fun you're having.

My old print is full of shapes and contours that I can choose to bring forward or set into the background. And it often sets up a series of unanswered questions/statements for the viewer: "What is that behind that flower?" "Why is it there?" "This kind of reminds me of my Grandma's kitchen wallpaper..." Or, the viewer may think, "I like pink!" Questions are good!
